Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Just don't stop... ever.

      “Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.”

– Earl Nightingale

You know a lot, I mean, a lot of people don't stick to (or even start) something because of how long it takes to see results.  That's why I love this quote!  It's a perfect perspective.  So what if it's going to take a year to lose that 20 pounds, the year will go by regardless (the good Lord willing).  You might as well do those little things everyday and persevere until the results come.  You can arrive in March of 2022 a different, better, healthier person or you can arrive, best case scenario, just as you are now.

It's like I've said before, if a living thing is not growing, essentially, it's in the act of dying.  So do what you can each day to live & grow.  Do it for yourself.  Do it for your family.  Do it for whatever.  Just do it.  Nike may have been on to something with that slogan.

Here we are another week in the books!  This is the 16th week that I have posted on this blog.  I think I'm getting better at it, but who knows.  I've had between 3 - 24 readers depending on the week.  Not many at all, but the journaling is as much for me as anyone else.  I can't wait to look back in a year to see how far that I've come!  I also hope that this blog will help someone realize that average people can change their life for the better.  We don't have to be elite athletes.  We can't let ourselves become discouraged because our pace isn't sub-6:00, or sub-8:00, or sub-14:00.  Just do it.  Maybe we won't ever win a race, but 

  1. We can put in the work consistently and see changes.  
  2. We can improve & have fun at the same time.
  3. We don't have to be perfect.
Anyway, back to it.  Tuesday was a hectic work day, so I ended up running after work.  It's definitely my least favorite time to run.  I've been eating all day, I'm in a stress overload, & I'm just tired.  I like to run early in the morning before I have any other distractions.  I just go out & enjoy the run.  I did a quick little loop around the neighborhood.  I stopped by the school for a pic with the half-mast flag, in honor and memory of those who have lost their lives to Covid-19.

Wednesday we are back at it for Hump Day double digit miles.  We did a few familiar loops trying to avoid the wind.  It was a easy pace, but I was abnormally tired for some reason.  I couldn't seem to catch my breath.  Raph & I did 7 with Leo & then finished up those double digits!

After the miserable run on Wednesday I skip Thursday and grab a lunchtime 5-miler on Friday.  With the snow event, I realize that I'm way behind on mileage.  Plus, February only has 28 days.  So we're going to have to push it to hit my goal of 100 miles every month in 2021.

Saturday I'm shooting for 14-15 miles.  That will just leave me a couple for recovery on Sunday & I'll hit 100 just barely.  We head out on a 12 mile plan with Leo & company planning to grab a few extra afterward, but by mile 9 I was in the tank.  Another crappy run, but as we know not every run is going to be good.  You can fuel right, sleep right, stretch right, & sometimes the run is just crap.  The important thing is that we keep going.  Run, walk, or crawl finish it out.  So that what I did.  This is the first run in several months that I actually had to walk. Like earlier in the week, I just couldn't seem to catch my breath. Leo & Raph stuck with me regardless, as they always do & we finished it up together.

Sunday about 4.1 miles to hit 100.  So that's what I do.  Through the neighborhood I make up a loop that gets me a little over, just in case.  As I'm running a storm starts rolling in.  It looks pretty rough.  Luckily, I finish up just before it starts.  It was nice to sit on the steps & let the rain cool me down though.  

100 February miles achieved.  Now on to March!