“Don’t forget while you’re busy doubting yourself, someone else is admiring your strength.” ~ Kristen Butler

Sometimes I get down on my blogging. Like why are you still doing this, but hey you never know who’s watching! So, I’m breaking the blog-drought with some exciting & super cool news!
I’m a paid fitness model! I think…
I’m constantly posting my running / exercise journey on social media. That is the focus of my Instagram profile. I post about everything from running with my crew, Frisco Running Club, to my everyday exercise happenings.
Nearly 2yrs ago, height of the pandemic, my wife & I decided to buy an exercise bike. Peloton was all the rage at that time; almost elitist. You know what I mean.. the smug guy with his sweater tied around his neck. Or the “business casual” guy wearing his On Cloud shoes with his blazer. “Why yes, we do have a Peleton. We have two.” Insert eye roll here. Yes, I’m stereotyping, but just to give you the visual.
Anyway, I’m always bouncing things off of my buddy, Brian. I told him about the idea to get a bike. I have him the rundown of all the positives. “It would be good for cross training. The whole family could ride it…” That’s when he reminded me about his Bowflex bike. He had bought it recently. The Bowflex VeloCore. I’ve always been a fan of Bowflex. So, I started researching it & learned all about it.
I’m a gadget guy. So throw something unique & a purposeful at me… I’m sold. This bike actually leaned side-to-side. I’m mean like you could lean to the right while riding, then lean to the left. It was so freaking cool! It had every other feature that an e-bike of the day would have, but it leaned! Pack it up, son. We’re sold!
Fast forward, I’ve been riding the VeloCore for about 2yrs. All this time I’m randomly taking pictures, posting about my rides on social media, & tagging the official Bowflex Instagram account.
One day I get a message from Bowflex asking me if I’d like to be in an ad campaign that they were working on. I was like, uh, yeah! They set up a call with the ad agency Herman Scheer. We talked through the whole thing. Fitness That Feel Different. Everyday people experiencing their Bowflex equipment in their own way, in their own environment. Contract signed. Let’s ride!
All of the footage was to be shot by us at home. Which is cool & nerve-racking I received a shot list that contained all of the content that was needed. Ended up with 17 videos & about a dozen photos. I was given direction, but was not told what to say. The main goal was for the information & experience to be authentic. I loved that as well. No scripts just me talking about fitness, my life, & my bike.
About a week ago, Bowflex ran the first ad, a 30sec spot. It had, what I imagine, is all of the athletes in the campaign. None of us have met. So it’s just speculation. Anyway… Super cool! I’m in a commercial!
What comes next is a mystery. We shot tons of footage. Interviews, exercising, before & afters, etc. But we aren't privy to the content releases. Without further ado, here’s the spot! No autographs please...